Facade Grants
The Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Facade Improvement Program is designed to enhance the quality and vitality of downtown Glenwood Springs.
Assistance is offered to eligible projects in the district that enhance the building façades, thereby enhancing the downtown street environment. Matching grants for financial assistance are awarded on a “first come, first served” basis.
Facade Improvement Matching Grant Program
An incentive program to enhance the ongoing revitalization of downtown Glenwood Springs.
Introduction to the Program
Downtown Glenwood Springs has a long history of being the heart of the community. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) recognizes that the condition of downtown buildings forms the basis of the public’s overall impression of downtown and reflects the vibrancy and historical value of the area.
The Facade Improvement Program has been designed to award a portion of the funds generated by the District as an incentive for ongoing revitalization. Improvements to exterior facades (front, back or side) supports the purpose of the DDA to promote a healthy downtown business environment, as well as preserve the unique character of the area. This matching grant program provides support to property owners for small and large renovation projects. It is also intended to encourage compatibility between structures that have been renovated and those that have not to increase the overall aesthetic experience of downtown.
What Conditions Apply?
- Maximum award is $25,000 per business. If multiple businesses exist on one property, all businesses are eligible to apply and will be treated individually. The grant requires a 1:1 match by the applicant. No more than one grant per calendar year shall be awarded to the same business/applicant.
- To receive the full award, the DDA Board will review applications, and must be approved before any work is commenced.* The DDA Board has sole discretion in determining if funds will be awarded.
- Work must be started within three months of the date of approval of the grant application and must be completed within twelve months of approval unless extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated.
- All work must be completed before requesting reimbursement.
*Retroactive Applications
Applications that are submitted after work has started will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the DDA Board’s sole discretion. These applications must be submitted within the same calendar year as the work was commenced or completed and are only eligible for a 1:2 match by the application, meaning the DDA will reimburse $1 for every $2 spent by the applicant up to $12,500 (half the total grant award amount allowed). If work was completed without the proper required permits from the City, it is immediately disqualified for consideration. It is highly recommended and preferred that businesses apply for the grant program promptly before any work is commenced.
What Can I Use the Grant For?
- Add new awnings, lights, permanent signs, or other exterior amenities and architectural details, including murals and public art
- Replace, repair, or add window and/or display areas
- Uncover or rehabilitate the historic exterior of a building
- Improve or add outdoor space for public use, such as outdoor dining
- Improve alley business entryways
- Meet exterior building accessibility requirements
What are the Design Standards?
- Facade improvements should be compatible and complementary to the historic character of downtown.
- The City has Building Design Standards, Exterior Lighting Standards, and Sign Standards specific to the downtown core. As with all projects, the improvements must conform to the Glenwood Springs Municipal Code requirements. The City’s Community Development Department is available to look over concepts and check for standards to ensure compliance.
- The use of high-quality, durable materials is encouraged. Recommended materials include brick and stone, with selective use of siding or colored masonry block, to remain compatible with surrounding structures.
- Long blank walls that lack visual interest should be avoided. The addition or enhancement of balconies, terraces, awnings, windows or art, such as murals, is encouraged.
- For design assistance, interested applicants can apply for a one-time, $1,000 grant to hire an architect for conceptual designs. If meaningful steps are not taken within one year of grant receipt to move forward with the project, funds must be returned to the DDA. Extenuating circumstances will be considered given this timeline. Applicants who receive the design grant will still be eligible to apply for a full $25,000 grant for implementation.
How Do I Apply for a Grant?
- If no conceptual design has been developed and you are simply interested in the $1,000 grant for architectural assistance, simply reach out to the DDA Executive Director and fill out this simple application.
- If you have a design already, applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with the DDA Executive Director to review the conceptual design and to establish eligibility criteria before applying.
- Complete the necessary review and approvals associated with construction from the City by working with the Community Development Department.
- Submit the facade grant program application and grant reimbursement agreement which will be reviewed by the DDA Board.
- Once approved, begin work on the project within three months. Keep detailed and accurate accounting of actual costs.
- Within 12 months of approval, complete the project and submit a final report with invoices and receipts. Extenuating circumstances will be considered if timelines cannot be met.
- If all requirements of the grant have been met, payment will be made in the form of reimbursement to the Applicant following completion of the project and final inspection.